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Gróska frá Dalbæ
Confirmation: 8.03
Head: 8.5
Neck/shoulders: 8.5
Back: 7.5
Proportions: 8
Legs: 7.5
Joints: 7.5
Hooves: 8
Mane and tail: 8.5
Ridden abilities: 8.29
Tōlt: 9
Trot: 8.5
Pace: 5
Gallop: 8.5
Spirit: 9
General impression: 9
Walk: 8.5
Slow tōlt: 8.5
Canter: 8
Total: 8.19
IS2011187881 Fursti frá Kílhrauni
IS2013287883 Gná frá Kílhrauni
Gróska frá Dalbæ
Gróska with foal
Gróska frá Dalbæ
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