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Spöng frá Syðra-Velli


F: Huginn frá Haga I

M: Nös frá Syðra-Velli

Confirmation: 8.09 

Head: 8

Neck/shoulders: 8.5     

Back: 8

Proportions: 8.5

Legs: 7.5

Joints: 7.5

Hooves: 8

Mane and tail: 7.5

Ridden abilities: 8.58

Tōlt: 9

Trot: 9

Pace: 7.5

Gallop: 8            

Spirit: 9

General impression: 9

Walk: 7.5

Slow tōlt: 8.5

Canter: 5

Total: 8.38



F: Spuni frá Vesturkoti

Conformation: 8.43

Ridden abilities: 8.55

Total: 8.5


F: Loki frá Selfossi

Conformation: 8.18

Ridden abilities: 8.06

Total: 8.11

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